So yeah, this is it.

Now you know my kooky collection, (which isn’t even a fourth) of my friends… Just the ones who were willing to be a part of my blog, for who I am undoubtedly and incredibly thankful for. I love going on crazy camping trips, sitting in a tent and playing truth or dare, or cards against humanity, or trying to play Twister™ in a tiny tent. All the water balloon fights, days at the drive in, or the beach, taking a stroll around the lake or playing in the trees, going miles above the ground, just sitting back and watching a movie, or just sitting in silence with them; knowing what they are thinking, just, taking in the wonders of life. pups.jpg

Some friends come and some go, but those who have stayed with me, those treasured times, those are the ones, the times, and the memories I love most. I’m gonna break down what it means to be a friend, with a little acronym.beach

F is for

  • Faithful: My friends are loyal and are always the for me in time of need, the true friends I have I never have kept a secret from, as I’ve had no rhyme or reason to. True friends won’t stab me in the back, and I would never do that, and it’s a great philosophy to keep honesty with your friends.
  • Felicitous: My friends are normally all very cheery and agreeable people. They know what to say, who to say it too, and most importantly, why they are saying what they are saying. They know when it is the right time to joke around, and the right time to be serious.
  • Fantabulous: My friends all exhibit behaviors of outlandish people, as if I was in a movie, most are peppy, but it’s nice to once and a while chill out with my calm friends. Overall, they are adventuring funny, and crazy folks, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

R is for

  • Respectable: I have the upmost amount of respect for my friends, whether it’s their dedication to their skin routine, the passion they hold for their friends and people in their community, or just if they drop a pearl of wisdom on me, I always listen to my friends, and what they have to say, because you can learn alot from the people and in the places you’d least expect.
  • Restless: My friends NEVER SLEEP. Ever. Okay, maybe they do sleep, but not when the rest of the world does. This could partially be due to the fact that they are on the other side of the globe, but neverless, if I didn’t need sleep, I could be up all night talking to them.
  • Receptive: My friends listen to each other, (‘cept me i’m normally the one who abstains from group situations, UNLESS they are out of ideas,) we’re constantly spitting out ideas of what to do and where do go on our next set of adventuring. And I love that my friends are so intelligent.

I is for

  • Intelligent: My friends never cease to amaze me, one is an avid artist, the other is programming actual lightsaber technology, one is writing apps, one is gonna be an astronaut one day, one is going to Broadway, one is already on Disney (so very proud of you Dakota,) and one is gonna be the President someday. They all have smarts in their own way, and utilize those skills to amaze the world every day.
  • Illustrious: My friends light up the world with their cheery demeanor, and amazing feats in this world, they cheer me up endlessly and always act as a beacon of hope for me.
  • Inspiring: If my friend is doing something, even if it’s just stepping outside of their comfort shell, getting over their anxiety, working out, making a consistent schedule, cleaning their room, having a diet. Those things all inspire me, no matter how big or small the feat is.

E is for

  • Eager: My friends normally will try anything or go anywhere, they are down to do just about anything.
  • Eccentric: They are so unique, quirky, and just lovely individuals, no matter how much I can’t stand them, they are the crazy special people I hold dear.
  • Empurpled: My friends are most definitely, not. Shy. They are never afraid to get up on stage, wow the world, to break dance in public, or just to stand up and scream at others to be more self confident, sure, it’s embarrassing, but they build character for me.

N is for

  • Nagging: My friends often push me a bunch and try to make me do things or pay for their stuff, I normally give in, but I am getting better at saying no, which is helping me in the long run.
  • Newsworthy: My friends do things that most adults wouldn’t even dream of. They astound me with the feats they achieve, and I’ll bet you they will end up happy and successful.
  • Nontoxic: They aren’t terrible people, my TRUE friends don’t blackmail me into anything, but support me to be my best self.

D is for

  • Daring: My friends are not one to back down from a challenge, they do almost everything with a smile on their face and a song in their heart, never really fearing tomorrow, which is something I find extremely admirable.
  • Dulcet: Most of my friends are extremely musically inclined, I could listen to them sing all day. Something about their voice just relaxes me, makes me feel calm and happy. Even if they don’t sing, they play a musical instrument, or could probably program a robot or program to do so. AND if they don’t fall under any of those, they’er a funny person, and their jokes always make me laugh.
  • Dreamlike: I don’t even know how I wound up being as fortunate as I am, surrounded by these beautiful, kind, intelligent, and caring souls, who either make me feel super comfortable to be me, or super uncomfortable cause they’re being crazy. every day with them is a dream, and I love them all.


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Slug, the Bug, the artiste’

Sarah is one of the most resilient people I know. They hang out with a lot of people that are far crazier then them, so its no surprise for them to be the chillest guy in the group. Some of the social groups include the Theatre People, the Artsy people, People from track, from Tech, from Band, the Gays and more. Although they don’t see themself as a very social person, they have quite a few connections in town, and I am super fortunate to be able to drag them around town and do lots of crazy things, learn art from them, go on super fun adventures and camping trips.


Career wise, it would be pretty cool in their opinion to go into psychology, they give pretty good advice, and is always there to talk when needed. Other career choices would be something in politics, music (they play 4 instruments) or of course, art. Their art is amazing, and has helped many people come out of their shell, or gain confidence to stand up to that perv who’s been sliding into their dm’s. Both comical, and beautiful, their art truly warms the heart, and helps people in many ways.slugart

A perfect day in Sarah’s mind would be a peaceful one, where they can just relax with their friends, or some time to themself, where they are in an environment that they won’t be judged to be in, where they can maybe just sit down for hours, mastering the next emo song on their trusty guitar, teaching their friends how to do water color, or just making new patches/designs for their jean jacket.  Check out their art account by clicking here!


One thing people have told me they like about Sarah is how down to earth they are. They don’t stretch stuff out of proportion or dramatize anything. If you need to talk, they validate you, give you solid advice, and they don’t lie to make themself look better, because they don’t do anything that needs to be lied about. They’re pretty open, and they don’t confuse people, because they set pretty clear boundaries about what is okay to talk about, and they don’t change their rules.



Spunky Alluring Rockin’ Authentic Honest

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Leo, You sweet Ginger Spice™


Leo loves to entertain! He has so many options he wants to pursue, and doesn’t understand how one person does one thing for all of their lives, when there’s so many things to explore and do! Some of the careers on his bucket list is to become an actor, so he can make people smile and laugh, to be a doctor, so he can help those around him who needs it, a lawyer, because he is smart and good with problem solving, or lastly, a therapist, so he can give advice to those who need it, gain experience and stories, and one day maybe he will have done all of those professions! Only time will tell, and he has plenty of time to decide, since he is only in eighth grade after all.


In Leo’s freetime, he enjoys just being in the company of his friends, watching a movie, singing, going for a run, swimming, and acting of course. He is an avid dancer, a good actor, and he is an all around great person to work with! The perfect day for Leo would be waking up to a (not so healthy) scrumptious breakfast, meeting up with his friends, and then going to a slew of places, such as the Fair, a concert, maybe party it up at a few parties, and by the end of the day, perform in front of a huge audience.


A huge part of Leo’s life, if you haven’t seen the trend yet, is his friends. He loves being with his friends, and he has no clue where he would be without them. One of his big accomplishments recently was playing Jud Fry in “Oklahoma!” where he got to belt his heart out, be with his dearest friends, die on stage, dance, and nail that accent. He will be in GVJH’s production of Grease coming soon!


One quote Leo feels is true to him would be “We are part of this universe; we are in this universe, but perhaps more important than both of those facts, is that the universe is in us.” -Neil deGrasse Tyson


Lively Empathetic Original

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Cynthia, The Love (yeet) Bug

Though Cynthia is only in eighth grade, she already is headed down a path, a set path that she is insistent upon pursuing. It’s not the path that you’d think however. Most twelve year old girls  want to be an actress, or a veterinarian. Cynthia however already knows she wants to go to college, but she wants to pursue a degree in psychology. Why? Because Cynthia is such a caring, helpful, forgiving person, and in life, she wants to help others in any way she can. Psychology will be the best career for her, as she is good at giving advice, helping people, creating a welcoming and open environment for those who are in distress, thinking on a whim when the times get tough, and she has a good memory as well.


Ironically, Cynthia’s hobbies are the most opposite things. For starters, musical theatre is a passion that she has pursued, and is very adept in. She was recently in Oklahoma at her school, and will be in their production of Grease very soon. Cynthia has found most of her friends through theatre, and believes that it not only builds her social connections, but will help build her character as a person, to be a more sensitive, outgoing, confident, and musically inclined person. On the exact opposite of that spectrum, Cynthia is a huge bookworm, and she likes reading in her freetime. Although theatre is an extremely big to do, and takes up most of her energy and time, she still finds the time to read, watch TV and crochet. This is the most surprising thing to me, that someone has many interests,  that at first seem scrambled and disconnected, but when you step back and look at the bigger picture, all funnel into her dream career, and make perfect sense for her as a person.


Cynthia loves her family, sees them as very supportive, in everything she does. She knows how hard it is to be a twelve year old girl, and would one day like to adopt one, to help her how her parents have shaped and molded her to be the caring, loving and kind person she is today. Cynthia enjoys memes, has several meme accounts, and this contributes to her funny personality. On the internet she goes by the persona of “Yeetbug” though she is a lovebug, and is not at all in the action of throwing an empty soda can into the hallway swarming with her classmates, nor is she a harmful microorganism,which is typically a bacterium.



A perfect day in Cynthia’s mind is one where she can be with her friends, perhaps just relaxing at the mall with them, being able to enjoy their company. People often describe her as zany, beautiful, and powerful.

One quote Cynthia lives by is: “What is Queen without her King? Historically speaking, more powerful.”


Caring Youthful Nurturing Timely Hip Ingenious Adventurous

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Finn, the winner, Chicken Dinner.

Finn Sanderfer has a life full of buzzing and bustling people, such as his family, even though there are fights between them pretty often, and though he doesn’t spend too much time with them because his dad doesn’t live with them and his mom is in school right now, he loves them regardless. He’s a senior in highschool, and enjoys spending time with his friend Mell at lunch. Though he doesn’t tend to socialize in big or momentous ways, he actively tries to be supportive to everyone that comes his way, and he is perfectly okay being a safety net for those who feel like they are lost.

Finn is very compassionate, he can always tell exactly who is feeling down, and he knows how to cheer them up, provide them with some melodious musings, or just some funny jokes. He would love to be an actor, but if that doesn’t pan out for him, becoming a teacher is fine! He has been in many theater productions, mainly musical theater, and has a lovely voice and stage persona. He loves musical theater, and believes it’s “amazing to be a part of.”


Finn found some hobbies that interest him. These include writing, singing, and a newfound passion which is learning how to knit. (He claims to be bad at it but everyone is bad when they start out on something. An ideal day in Finn’s mind would be to just have time to himself, where he can discover more about himself, free of obligations, and to be himself without judgement. Finn says: “I don’t let anyone make me feel bad about things I can’t control, gender, sexuality, I rarely feel any shame about those aspects of myself.” He is an asexual trans guy, he recently realized he felt better identified with the male gender, but he feels much better now that he has come out. The LGBTQ+ community in Santa Barbara is very accepting and he is happy, because he has found a plethora of new friends, who respect him, and his identity. Finn finds people describe him as Stubborn, Wholehearted, and Brave.


One mantra or quote Finn chooses he relates to and lives by is “If it makes you happy, it isn’t stupid.”

Fearless Imaginative Noble Nitid

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Charlie, Onesie Buddy!!!

Charlie has so many positive and cool influences in his life, it has been hard for him to pick a career, until now. Recently, he has become enamored with the Arts. For an eighth grader, he writes in an extremely eloquent manner, although he claims his grammar needs work, what product he produces, for a 13 year old, never fails to astonish me. When he was nine or ten, he did one theatre performance, and currently does voice acting for multiple comics/animatics for up and coming artists.  He is a percussionist in his school band, which is only fitting, as he comes from a musical background. He finds himself having the tendency to do a tiny bit of art himself, though he thinks there’s room to improve. For an eighth grader, he is extremely talented.hemodel

A perfect day in Charlie’s mind would be a day where it isn’t constantly snowing, perhaps just a sprinkle of sunlight and warmth to wash away the cold. Charlie thinks the way that water and sunlight intertwine and weave together beautiful scenery puts him in a tranquil state. The world seems at peace, the cold and heat in equilibrium.  As long as it’s not humid, he’s content. If the weather allowed the conditions for such a perfect day, Charlie would travel to Wonderland, which is the Canadian Equivalent to what we know as Magic Mountain. He’d want to try all the yummy foods, hang out with all of his friends, go on a few rides, and just have a day of fun and excitement without stress.herainbow

Charlie has a family which runs in an independent view on life, each member very headstrong and passionate about their beliefs, they frequently tend to argue, but that doesn’t ever change the fact that he loves them. Charlie feels closest with his Mom, they love to laugh, joke, and just be with each other. Overall Charlie’s relationship with my family is good (at most times!)heice

As many boys Charlie’s age would say, video games is one of his hobbies he has taken up whenever he has freetime. Charlie finds himself playing most often after school (AFTER he finishes his homework, because high-school is a high priority for him)  and he plays with his close friends on his PS4. When Charlie is not able to do that, he takes his mothers camera, and sits in his backyard, and tries to get some interesting or picturesque shots of beautiful Ontario.hemaple

Charlie has found himself among several social groups, which are his school, acting, and video-gaming friends.  Those at his school are “Not very popular people. When I have break I usually go to the back of the class room with my friends, these people aren’t exactly ordinary people but they are funny so I like to stick around with them.” His Voice Acting friends he’s described as “Just crazy enough.” The talent they posses balance out for the constant bombardment that his phone receives on group chats. Lastly, his video-gaming friends, who tend to be the most reserved group out of the three of them, but then again, he only has conversations with them when playing his games.hehenry.jpg

The most unique thing about Charlie (In Charlie’s mind) is that he accomplishes tasks in a manner which is different from most other people. For example, when a project is assigned he tends to write everything down first, get his game plan together, but then fail to actually execute his extravagant plans until the last minute. Another thing is that he usually overthinks things in conversations, when someone is talking about something he “will focus on the story they are telling instead of the words actually being spoken to me… if that makes sense.”


Charlie’s friends have described him as awkward, colourful, and flexible. Mainly because Charlie is willing to make plans at the last minute with no complaints, he lives in the moment, and he is funny! An interesting thing is Charlie sees himself as ” a social person in my head but I can’t get the words out.” kind of guy.

A quote Charlie likes and associates himself with is from Lemony Snicket’s  “The Series of Unfortunate Events” book series!

The quote is “If we wait until we are ready, we will be waiting for the rest of our lives.”heWOW.jpg

Creative Helpful Amusing Reliable Loving Inquisitive Empathetic

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Part Two of Double the Fun. (Sierra)

This is part two of a blogpost, about Brooke and Sierra Clark. They are both look similar, and have similar aspirations, but are horses of two different shades of the same color. Get it, cause they go horseback riding all the time? Well, if you didn;t know that, then you haven’t read part one! If you haven’t seen the first one, check it out here!

shesmileSierra loves her friends, schoolmates, dog, and family. They are the most important part of her life, supporting her in anything she does, and helping her out on all of her spontaneous adventures! They all mean the most to her, because she would not be where she was today if not for them. Her life would not be the same without her friends, family, schoolmates, and she couldn’t imagine what it would be like to live without them!

A couple things Sierra and Brooke have in common is they both want to go to The United States Naval Academy for college, to then pursue becoming a Navy Pilot, like their father! She also enjoys horseback riding, Cross Country, and Skiing! Those are her favorite sports to get her up and energized! Sierra thinks the most fun thing to do when she has lots of time on her hands is to go on a extemporaneous road trip, to a new and unique place; of course better with friends! She loves driving, and hiking on a cool day in perhaps a mountain range, just taking in the sky.


On top of all of this, she is juggling her AP courses, and is an avid student who always is willing to be a helping hand to her fellow classmates. Unlike Brooke, who tries to get to know people with interests different from her own, Sierra prefers to congregate with people who have similar interests; ones that she feels she really sparks with. Much like Brooke, Sierra also favors to be with people who are respectful and who leave a good influence on everyone. A perfect day with those friends, would involve going on a new adventure, on the top of that list would be a road trip to Monument Valley with her close friends!

A quote Sierra feels she stands true too is- “Everything happens for a reason.” This is because  it proves to her time and time again that everyday is a new day, and she is strong enough to push through the darker times, despite the difficulty and pain.

Selfless Illustrious Empowering Reliable

Rapturous Altitudinarian

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Part One of double the Fun. (Brooke)

These two terrific twins are always active in their community, whether they are helping out, skiing, doing community service, running races, or just being with their friends around town. This blogpost is about Brooke, and the next post about her twin sister Sierra!hedogshehold.jpg

Brooke has wanted to serve in the Navy since a very young age, and every day strives to better herself, so she can follow in the footsteps of her father, a retired Navy Captain, who flew planes in the Military for thirty years! Her goal is to one day attend the United States Naval Academy. When she isn’t doing projects in her multimedia classes, her AP courses, or training rigorously for the Naval Academy, she enjoys Snow Skiing, as it is her favorite sport, to hang out with her friends, go on adventures, hike, mountain climbing/backpacking, and horseback riding.

Anything involving being outdoors is right up Brooke’s alley. Her favorite pastimes are all of the things listed above, playing with her dog, being with her twin sister Sierra, and being with her family. Brooke has a very supportive family that she loves with all of her heart; and a lot of that love goes to her sister. She said “I couldn’t ask for a better half,” even though they argue and get mad at each other, they both voice their strong opinions, and quarrel, but their love for each other is so strong, they stick together, through thick and thin.


A perfect day for Brooke would be to wake up bright and early, drive to the top of a mountain, and watch the picturesque scene of wherever she is light itself up, paint itself into color by gazing at the sunrise. She would then want to grab some breakfast with her friends. After that; it’s time to swim! Whether it’s the Ocean, Lake, or Pool, she would jump in with no hesitation. Soon following, her ideal next step would be to cruise around town in her car, blasting music, singing at the top of her lungs, and taking in the lovely sights in Santa Barbara. Lunch is the next stop on the agenda, and Strawberry Lemonade is what she’d want to have. After her fill, she would head to the airport, take a two person plane up into the sky, and watch the Sun sink calmly, slumbering behind the mountains, into the ocean, ending her perfect day.hedog.jpg

Brooke thinks that some things that make her who she is would be her identical twin, her wanderlust and love for adventures, her outgoing personality, and her can do attitude. Brooke is a very sociable person, she likes to hang out with practically everyone who wants to be her friend; she enjoys learning about other people, and the interests those people are pursuing, especially the ones she is unfamiliar in.

One quote Brooke to lives by is: “Honor. Courage. Commitment.” It’s a saying from the Naval Academy, and it drives her to push herself harder everyday.

Brave Rambunctious Outgoing Openhearted Kindred Exuberant

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Ben B, Filmmaker (Like Me)

Ben Bishop has many passions, but all are related to one thing. Media. He thoroughly enjoys many different roles in the media field, its where he wants to go in life. From directing to producing, website design to ticket sales, The Lightbooth to Lightroom, crew to cast, taking photos to Photoshop, he does it all. He works as one of the anchors and a media input personnel.hephone

Ben loves doing things outside of media, as if his life wasn’t already zany enough. He also is on his schools water polo team, he is in boyscouts, and he is in his schools Engineering Academy. A perfect day in his mind is to go on a sunrise hike, to then play with his friends on the water polo team, grabbing his lunch at Hamburger Habit, and ending the day with a delectable dinner with his family.


Ben loves his family, they have always been supportive and loving, giving him a push to pursue whatever goal he sets in life. He has two younger siblings, two dogs, and a cat. Despite his large family, he loves them, and enjoys spending time with them, as long as he isn’t too busy. A bustling life at home spurred Ben into the busy life in the industry. He is extremely talented, and loves sharing that talent through the videos that he produces.

Ben’s social group mainly consists of his creative comerades at DPNews, his sporty cohort on his Club Water Polo Team, his intelligent friends in the engineering academy, his enthusiastic and musical theatre friends, and his determined friends in his boyscout troop. He specifically wanted me to mention his friends Dylan and Erik, who he finds he enjoys to spend the majority of his time with.hescrem

Ben believes that something that makes him unique is that I love to produce videos, as you don’t find many freshman who have locked onto their passion, and many people prefer to be on the acting side of the camera. As a producer, you have to learn both sides of the gig. Helping the actor with notes, revising the script, helping the editor edit, editing something yourself, directing the show, hiring/finding talent. It is something done at a professional level, and a natural affinity is hard to come by like his. DPNews has taught him numerous skills on how to make better videos, and with their awesome equipment, he enjoys making short films, a daily news broadcast, helping me produce my show, Teens Sing for Santa Barbara, and so much more.


Ben and his friends, and most anyone who he knows will tell you he is an Outgoing, Friendly, Nerdy, Passion filled and caring chap. One quote that Ben relates too and carries out everyday in life is “Friends show their love in times of trouble, not happiness.”

Brave Entertaining Natural

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Aaron- Shooting for the Stars!

Aaron has dreams that are past this galaxy, he wishes to pursue astronomy, and the scientific field, to become an astronaut. He loves the company of his dog on any given day, is a very funny, loving, and an agreeable guy. For someone who contemplates so far out of this world, he is a very down to earth person. Though he is extremely intelligent, he never gets a swollen head, and always manages to keep cool in the face of distress, depression, and anxiety. He is superb in giving positive advice to anyone who needs it, despite his urge to often crack jokes.aaronselfie

Some passions Aaron doesn’t necessarily pursue but has a natural affinity for is photography, psychological assistance and advice for his friends, as well as being a rather adequate pianist. Whenever we are at a party, he busts out the tunes, whether it a Disney classic, modern pop song, a song from a video game, or classical music, though not very talkative, his music speaks volumes!

One nifty fact that you would never guess, despite him being so musically inclined, is that Aaron is half deaf, which is one thing he finds pretty unique. Despite his deafness, he doesn’t let that get him down or sour, and he keeps an optimistic outlook on life wherever he is and whoever he’s with. Along the lines of Aaron being optimistic, his friends definitely would describe him as someone with a good sense of humor.


Aaron, unlike most teenagers, loves his family, and views them all as very kind and compassionate people to help guide him on his crazy adventure of life. Aaron enjoys playing video games, watching movies, stargazing, looking out into the dark, beauteous, vast sky, and having time to relax. A unique interest of Aaron’s in Aeronautics, which is the science or practice of travel through the air. An idea of a perfect day in his mind is a day without any homework, full of rest and relaxation, with great food and lots of sleep.


Aaron loves his family, be believes they are all kind and compassionate people, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. His sister, mom, and dad all support him in whatever activity he chooses to pursue; and this helps him when making decisions. One quote that Aaron enjoys to reminisce on is “You have to stay Positive.”

Articulate Astronomer Responsible Optimistic Neighborly


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